Meal Information
All food will be provided by the daycare. We are USDA approved. Breakfast, lunch, and snacks are all monitored to meet or exceed state nutritional guidelines. Breakfast is served from 8:00am-8:30am, if your child arrives after breakfast, it will be offered to your child. Morning snack is served to the toddlers and two-year old’s from 10:00-10:30am. Lunch is served between 11:00am-12:00pm. And afternoon snack is served at 2:00-3:00pm. The Carroll County Health Department regularly inspects the kitchen and food preparations of our center. The Before and After School Program students will be allowed to bring an afternoon snack each day and the daycare will also provide a snack in the afternoon. We are committed to providing healthy foods and beverages and positive mealtimes so that your child can learn good eating habits and grow up strong.
*This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
Foods and Beverages
Children are offered a fruit and/or vegetable at every meal and snack.
ï‚· We do not serve fried foods, high fat meats, or vegetables cooked in fat.
ï‚· Sweets and salty snacks are offered once a month or less.
ï‚· We offer only healthy beverages like non-fat milk and water.
ï‚·Teachers and children eat meals together, family style, so that children can learn and practice table skills.
ï‚·Television and other screens are turned off so that teachers can talk with children about healthy habits and healthy foods.
ï‚· Teachers never force or bribe children to eat any particular foods or to clean their plates.
Nutrition Education
Children learn about food and eating each week through stories and activities.ï‚·
Each year, all staff and teachers participate in training on nutrition topics.